Earth Sejiran Setason West Bangka decorated with mysterious legends knacks uniquely diverse culture and supported by the natural charm of the beautifully menawan.Sebuah Trench Three villages in the area Jebusite located 75 Km from the Capital District West Bangka there is a natural occurrence which menajubkan named "Blue Lake Sekar ".
Sekar Blue comes from the blue lake. The lake is the result from Tambang Timah UPTB. The lake is ternata somewhat unique because the water is blue other than that of other lakes in the vicinity of the venue but if the water taken into the color nodes. The lake is always guarded by the local community so that no polluted mainly Kadesh Sekar Blue Mother Roslena.
Once around the year 1992 around the lake is used as a campground Bangka Regency. In 1992 the camp held late Prata and PW as Bangka Regency. From this lake took the name of the village around the lake into the Village Sekar Blue.
The lake is located in the vicinity of Salem Park District Housing Blue Village Sekar Jebusite West Bangka regency. The last few years around the lake including motocross races are held. This place is very beautiful and interesting to be a place of tourism. But this lake is blue, so a bit weird but not because of the legend of nothing, just a natural event, perhaps the reflection of sunlight to the bottom of the walls under the ground kaolin (clay quarry tin). But despite how the Blue Sekar be very interesting tourist attraction West Bangka.
Welcome to visit to enjoy the wonders of nature in Trench III Jebusite West Bangka.